Books and Formats
Click on the Book Cover image at the bottom of this page, or the Book Title, or the "Buy" button to visit, if you wish to purchase the book Fictional World: Traditions in Narrative and the Age of Visual Culture, and for more information available on the book's Amazon page. The print book is also available through the affiliated amazon sites in other countries, including Canada, France, UK, Germany, Spain and Italy.
Digital versions of the print volume Fictional Worlds are available as a set of four ebooks on Kindle on and coming soon four iBooks on the iTunes Store (iBook One is available). A reader can choose between a print edition (4 volumes under one cover) or digital editions, which have added features.
Fictional Worlds I: The Symbolic Journey & The Genre System is the FIRST part of the four-ebook Kindle set. It is linked to a print edition on
Also in the Kindle four-book set:
Fictional Worlds II: Dramatic Characters & Dramatic Action
Fictional Worlds III: Tragedy & Mystery
Fictional Worlds III: Comedy & The Extraordinary
Visit the author's page on and see all available new books and formats in the Storytelling on Screen series, as they become available.
“Drama, tragedy, and the dystopian fictional worlds allow us to examine possible paths that humankind should not take, creating a narrative encyclopedia of missteps, or an extended list of Commandments: the demonstration of the logical consequences of doing what ‘Thou Shalt Not.”